According as circumstances are favorable, one should modify one’s plans. (Sun Tzu)
As a group lead, I need to stay abreast of current and planned developments in related projects, so that project efforts can adapt to changing circumstances.
Stage | Description |
0 | No regular literature or news review practices are established. |
1 | Team discusses recent project-related developments. |
2 | A list has been made of primary peers, journals, conferences, and blogs / social media sources relevant to the project. |
3 | Regular reviews of project-related developments are performed, involving RSS where practical. |
4 | Evolving capabilities and goals of related efforts are tracked over time. |
5 | Team commits to reviewing and suggesting ways to adapt to new developments. |
Knowing about relevant projects not only prevents re-inventing the wheel, it can also be a source of new collaborators and increased productivity.
Tracking peer progress looks different in different disciplines, but is especially important where software development is involved because of the potential win if datastructures and API-s can be made inter-operable early on.
This Project Tracking Card originated from the PSIP PTC Catalog. The development of the PSIP PTC Catalog was supported by the Exascale Computing Project (17-SC-20-SC), a collaborative effort of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science and the National Nuclear Security Administration.