
Integrated Software Documentation

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Ensure that the user/developer documentation is fully integrated with the associated software.

User Story

As a user (developer of software in this case), I want it to be easy to update documentation as I update the software the documentation describes. Typically, this means I want the software and documentation to be in the same place (e.g. repository). By easily, I mean handling things like images, in-line code, equations and cross references are a) possible and b) the same processes to manage changes to the code also works for the documentation. I don’t have to learn a wholly separate content management system to manage documentation.


Stage Description
0 Documentation is housed in the same repository as the code.
1 The documentation is text-based, ascii files (as well as perhaps binary images), just as the code is.
2 There is developer documentation and user documentation and the two are sufficiently organized so as not to cause these different classes of consumers to confuse the two.
3 Changes to code that have impacts on users (or developers) DO NOT get committed without associated changes to documentation.
4 The documentation covers (think of code coverage for testing) a majority of the functions the software performs. Key usage scenarios are not left UNdocumented. Perhaps different functionalities are weighted as to importance for either user-level or developer-level documentation.
5 There are working examples of the software and those examples are documentated such that the examples are routinely tested along with the software to ensure they still work.
6 Where appropriate code cross-references documentation and documentation cross-references code.
7 Documentation is versioned and different versions of the documentation are available for different versions of the software.
8 Documentation is part of the packaged release of the code such that, on air-gapped networks for example, it is carried along with the code release so that users on those networks do not have to shop elsewhere to find/host the documentation.


Some useful technologies to consider are


This Project Tracking Card originated from the PSIP PTC Catalog. The development of the PSIP PTC Catalog was supported by the Exascale Computing Project (17-SC-20-SC), a collaborative effort of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science and the National Nuclear Security Administration.