
Creating Community Policies

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Community software policies (and process for revisin over time)

User Story

As a developer of a software library, I want to collaborate with others to establish software community policies for our topical area (e.g., numerical software, data/viz software, development tools, etc.) so that we can more effectively enable the combined use of diverse, independent packages and improve software quality.


Stage Description
0 No community policies
1 Outline of initial software community policies, including determining: community members to collaborate on initial draft policies and general goals of policies
2 Specific plan (made with collaborators) for adopting software community policies, including: refined goals of policies, approach for discussing/revising policies, approach for publishing policies and soliciting feedback from the broader community, plan/timeline for packages to implement software community policies
3 Published software community policies (initial draft)
4 Feedback collected from broader community on software policies
5 Revised version of software community policies, addressing feedback
6 Packages that implement software community policies



This Project Tracking Card originated from the PSIP PTC Catalog. The development of the PSIP PTC Catalog was supported by the Exascale Computing Project (17-SC-20-SC), a collaborative effort of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science and the National Nuclear Security Administration.