Community software policies (and process for revisin over time)
As a developer of a software library, I want to collaborate with others to establish software community policies for our topical area (e.g., numerical software, data/viz software, development tools, etc.) so that we can more effectively enable the combined use of diverse, independent packages and improve software quality.
Stage | Description |
0 | No community policies |
1 | Outline of initial software community policies, including determining: community members to collaborate on initial draft policies and general goals of policies |
2 | Specific plan (made with collaborators) for adopting software community policies, including: refined goals of policies, approach for discussing/revising policies, approach for publishing policies and soliciting feedback from the broader community, plan/timeline for packages to implement software community policies |
3 | Published software community policies (initial draft) |
4 | Feedback collected from broader community on software policies |
5 | Revised version of software community policies, addressing feedback |
6 | Packages that implement software community policies |
Once this card is completed, teams are encouraged to loop back to step 2 for further revisions; also possibly pursue a related topic: coordinated release of software packages that are compatible with community software policies |
This Project Tracking Card originated from the PSIP PTC Catalog. The development of the PSIP PTC Catalog was supported by the Exascale Computing Project (17-SC-20-SC), a collaborative effort of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science and the National Nuclear Security Administration.