
Algorithm Productization Checklist

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A VTK-m filter for ALPINE in situ algorithm users.

User Story

As an algorithm developer, I want to develop and productize an ECP-relevant algorithm so it is a robust VTK-m filter available to ECP applications through ALPINE infrastructure and running on exascale hardware.


Task Description
0 A research implementation or definition may exist
1 A baseline implementation exhibiting correct behavior is committed to a repository such as ALPINE Algorithm github, Kitware GitLab, or lab-specific GitLab
2 A parallel distributed implementation has been tested on applicable sets of ECP application data with demonstrated utility
3 The implementation is ported to VTK-m as a worklet with a wrapping filter
4 The VTK-m version has been verified on applicable data
5 Unit tests have been implemented for the filter
6 Pull requests have been created for the VTK-m worklet/filter and nightly CI build is successful
7 The VTK-m filter has been demonstrated within ALPINE infrastructure using a proxy or an ECP app integration
8 The VTK-m filter has been demonstrated on an exascale machine or exascale proxy
9 Scaling and performance testing has been completed and documented in relevant P6 Activity Report
10 Documentation (geared towards an application user) is available in ALPINE Algorithm github
11 Documentation is available in VTK-m documentation



This Project Tracking Card originated from the PSIP PTC Catalog. The development of the PSIP PTC Catalog was supported by the Exascale Computing Project (17-SC-20-SC), a collaborative effort of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science and the National Nuclear Security Administration.